Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Blood and Smoke 7 - Planetwide!

Hello Listeners!

The voyage of Underwood and Flinch now resumes in my public feed, courtesy of my sponsors at Patreon.com. This podcast consists of two original Patreon episodes (7 and 8) now joined together to make just one episode (7).

It's been a long time since we were in the company of Lord Underwood. The last time, you may recall, he ended up in cave following an explosion ... ? Actually, I can't say too much because the unaffiliated will start crying "spoiler!", but don't worry, I do give a brief recap on the podcast for those of you who can't remember what the devil's going on.

Here's a direct download link.

If you want to re-listen to the original 6 episodes, you can do so - for free - at my Creations Page at Patreon.com, from which you can also download them (see bottom of this post for individual links).

Once this podcast has completed in my public feed, the whole thing will be made available from Podiobooks.com as a complete audiobook.

On the podcast, I also give a shout out to John Mierau's Official Patreon Podcast, in which John talks to various creative peeps - including podcast superstar Mur Lafferty in Ep 4 - about the secrets of their success. John also has his own Patreon page for his Serving Worlds Podcast, which is a must for all Sci-Fi podcast fans.

Other links:

Hall of Mirrors: The Breakfast Service

The Colour out of Space Episode One

Blood and Smoke Episode 9 (though will the next episode and re-named "Episode 8" next month)

After the Plague 1 (my Zombie story) 

Blood and Smoke 1-6 at Patreon (Currently without music, but that'll be added when the final edited versions get to Podiobooks).

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Colour out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft: Episode One

Hello there. I've been in Ireland this week visiting friends and family. I had a very nice time - so much so I managed to break my glasses. Not quite sure how it happened, but my suspicions rest on the pet of one of the families we visited; a dog who enjoys chewing stuff - shoes and glasses being among his favourite snacks. Since I couldn't interrogate him sensibly, I gave the suspect hound a hard stare, but he remained inscrutable, giving only the odd woof, and licking my face cheerfully (perhaps wondering where the specs had gone?). 

But then again, there was wine going around, so maybe I sat on them. It's a mystery.

Anyway, upon my return to England, I superglued the specs together long enough for me to record the first episode of H.P. Lovecraft's The Colour out of Space, then they blew apart under the pressure of all the cosmic horror. If you don't know the story, trust me, it's a cracker; a little slow to get rolling, but definitely one of HPL's best.

The story is currently a Patreon exclusive for everyone at $1 a month and over. And for anyone who's not signed up to support me at Patreon, it'll be in my regular podcast feed later on this year. But why wait? One buck a month - it's less than a Mars Bar! You know you want it ... Get the Colour out of Space Episode 1 right now.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Hall of Mirrors - The Breakfast Service

After seven long years, the Hall of Mirrors re-opens at Patreon with a one-off tale of terror. 

If you're not a Patreon subscriber, hopefully this'll be something that can tempt you over. Once you're there, sign up at $3 a month (or should I say, a mere $3 a month) and you'll be able to get this story, plus all episodes so far of my zombie story After the Plague, and the final episodes of U and F: Blood and Smoke. So come on over to Patreon today and sign up, and I'll meet you in that old ruined pier at the darkest edge of the Internet.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Blood and Smoke - The Finale

The final episode of Blood and Smoke will go live on my Patreon Creations page this evening at 21:00 UK time - that's 16:00 New York time, 13:00 Los Angeles time, and 06:00 Sydney Australia time.

- Special Red Finale Cover -

Instead of posting it as "Episode 10", I've posted it as "Episode 9 Redux". This is because the action of the chapter is constant and shouldn't be broken, so this new Episode 9 contains the previous Episode 9 and the new content of what would have been Episode 10. 

Confused? Watch the video below

The only reason I ended Episode 9 (original) where I did last week, was so I could get some content out to you. However, once Episode 9 Redux goes live tonight, you can delete your existing old Episode 9 and just settle back and listen to the final chapter as it was always intended to be: a big 52:23 minute finale episode that brings the Caribbean voyage of Underwood and Flinch to its end. Huzzah!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Back from Vacation.

Hello there. I've been away for the past few weeks on vacation. My wife and I went to Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands. It was a 50th birthday present to me from my wife - YAY! But it wasn't all just sitting around the sun, oh no. For me, it was mostly sitting around in our hotel room writing. I was writing an average 3,000 words a day, and I got a LOT done. You can hear all about it in my latest podcast, Sometimes: Reanimator 6, which also concludes my reading of H.P. Lovecraft's, Herbert West: Reanimator. I've just finished and uploaded the podcast, so it should be in your iTunes or whatnot in the next hour or so.

Patreon sponsors can get some more insight in the first edition of what I hope to be a weekly short podcast, live and unscripted (so, including outtakes that never got taken out) about what's going in my writing and podcasting world. PatreonCast Check-In podcast is available for all Patreons now.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Underwood and Flinch 8 / Sometimes Reanimator 5 / Fridgecast

Two podcasts up this evening. At Patreon for a buck and over per month, you can grab Underwood and Flinch Blood and Smoke episode 8, which features some great news about the U&F podcast. While in my regular podcast feed you'll find Herbert West: Reanimator Part 5: The Horror from the Shadows. Huzzah!

Also at Patreon - for free - is my first What's in my Fridge? vidcast (or should that be fridgecast?). So if you want to see the horrors that lurk behind that innocuous looking white door, check it out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Reanimator Concludes at Patreon

Patreon Newsflash
After a jolly bank holiday weekend (see pics here at Instagram) I'm back at work on the podcasts. It's been a busy morning of putting together the final audio of Herbert West: Reanimator Part 6 for the $1 and over patrons.

Artwork by Jon Cape

There will also be a full-length version of the story with all episodes in one recording posted on Patreon on Friday for $5 and over patrons. I did this already, but had to delete it because I'd accidentally included a rejected version of Episode 3 in it that even had a live mistake still in the mix. Oh, the shame.

Grotesque and Hilarious Underwood and Flinch Images

  A while ago I used the A.I. art generator, DALL-E, to create some images of Underwood and Flinch. The results were … er … not good, and ca...