Tuesday, July 8, 2014

U&F Pay to Download Story

I imagine you've been wondering WTF is going on with my output of late, am I right? Not only is there no new U&F episode, but neither is there any word on any of my sites as to what's going on. Forgive me, I've been working, and I've been in a constant hope of finishing the object of my work and getting it out to you, but due to sh*t happening, the finish line keeps getting put back. Let me explain.

The reason my work is slow in coming - as you may be aware - is because I have to work a day job. However, if I could make my writing and audio output my sole means of earning a living, a day job wouldn't be necessary; I'd be a self-employed writer and audio book producer.

So I decided to put out a pay-to-download story that would never be available as a free podcast. This story would need to become available before the end of Blood and Smoke, because from past experience I know that when a podcast is over, 80% of my listeners drift away. Therefore, to reach that 80% before they go, I need to get the story out before B&S ends.

I'd hoped to get it online in June, but it didn't happen; I wrote a full version, but had to start over because there were too many things I wanted to change. I then wrote a second version, which I much prefer, and it is this that I'm currently in the process of editing. Of course, this is taking time as it's a big story (I feel it'd have to be to justify putting a price on it) and a lot happens in it. There are also the historical details to get right, so there's been a lot of book-reading and swotting up to make sure everything has the stamp of authenticity. However, for all this sound reasoning, I know that you must be getting slightly peeved (to put it mildly) wondering where Episode 7 is. And so, I'm bringing you into the loop. I'd hoped to be able to surprise you with the new story, but at the rate I'm going, it's more likely that I'd just lose you before I get it finished.

So, here's my pledge to you. I'm going to get this story written and in its final version by the weekend. I'm then going to record it, edit the recording, and - assuming I can get all the pay-to-download cashcart stuff set up on my site, I'll get the story online before the end of July.

After that, I'll get to work on Episode 7.

Who knows, if the p-t-d story makes enough money, I may just be able to go pro next month! Then the combination of having the time to do the work, and the need to put food on the table, will mean that U&F production will go into overdrive. A novel every year for the next three years will be guaranteed, plus p-t-d short stories every now and again will appear in order to keep my head above water.

It's an exciting plan, and I hope you'll help me make it become a reality when the p-t-d story goes live. If it does, everybody wins! HUZZAH!!


  1. I love your books and even more I love your dramatic reading. You have more talent in that dept. then anyone I've heard. As a member of Audible I'd love to purchase your books on that service and hear you read them AND hear you lend your superior talents reading books by other authors.

    1. Thanks SgtRod. I'm looking into the Audible option. However, from what I know of the company, they don't allow creators to set their own price, so they'd be selling at another - probably higher - than I would on my site. Never say never though, their rules are always changing to remain competitive.

  2. That figure of 80% has staggered me. Glad to say that I am not one of them. They will never know what they are missing. Keep going brother. Onward and upward. Keep up the great work. Steve

    1. Thanks, Steve. It's true; once the show's over, the audience stats dive. The original U&F podcast had 25k listeners when it hit episode 21, that plummeted during the hiatus, but ultimately built up to around 18k for the final episode. Most of those drifted away after that. It's my fault of course; if you don't have content to offer, people's itunes feeds just stop updating. That's why I started the mailing list last year - to try and hang on to people once a show's over ... But then getting people to sign up to a mailing list is another challenge altogether ;-) Glad to hear you're one of the hard core!

  3. Wow, I was surprised to hear from you at the moment ;) - It's exam time isn't it?
    lol I just bet your up to your elbows in marking assessments!

    How many users do you have in blood and smoke?

    1. I'm spared that duty, Lisa. I teach English as a Foreign Language, so we don't have to contend with exams. There are around 8,000 listeners to Blood and Smoke at present. And by the way, happy birthday!

  4. Sorry if this is a double post.

    Don't discount the premium price for the ease of access with audible and iTunes. Users pay the price for that ease. Download via website is cumbersome and difficult for the average user with mobile listening needs. Audible and iTunes makes the purchase and download simple.

    1. Thanks Jacob. I'll certainly bear that in mind.

  5. Will timed post Mike - I'd just finished checking amazon to see if hardcover U&F was available yet and your blog was my next port of call! Not at all peeved with the delay - patience has always been rewarded. Good luck with the final edits of the p-t-d - looking forward to another expansion of the story.

    1. Thanks, Steve. The plan is to release the hardback / paperback versions at around the same time as the ptd story, and then plug the lot on the next podcast later this month. Watch this space :-)

  6. Mike, have you thought about running a kickstarter for the paperback version of U&F and other related bits and pieces?

    Michael J. Sullivan ran one for his novel 'Hollow World' and raised over $30,000 with 861 backers. You write in a different genre, but you're just as good.

    It's worth a thought....


    1. Hi Nick. Thank you for thinking of me. But yes, I have, and I have ... https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/underwood-and-flinch :-)


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