Saturday, July 7, 2012

U&F Campaign Live Till August!

It's been a while since I blogged anything; like most people, I tend to think there's not enough going on in my life to merit writing about. But then this morning, I realised I actually do have quite a lot of stuff going on at the moment. Most notable of these things is the Indiegogo fundraiser set up to raise funds to get Underwood and Flinch into print. The great news is, the campaign reached its target in under a week! So massive thanks to everyone who contributed to that achievement, but a further plea to anyone else who would like to contribute but may be thinking it's now too late: it's not too late - the campaign is live till August 17th. 

So if you'd like to be part of it, check out the campaign here or by clicking the widget at the top of the panel on the right. You'll see lots of reward perks in the right hand column - some affordable, others wildly expensive (this is normal practice, so I joined in). So far no one has taken me up on my $1,000 perk, but maybe some millionaire philanthropist might stumble upon it yet. Anyway, the really nice thing is, if you donate as little as $10 (about £6.50 UK) you can get your name in the book of U&F as a patron! Think about it, when U&F becomes the global sensation that it will / might / should be, you can say to your friends, "I helped make that happen, and here's the proof," [points to patrons page in book and makes friends gasp in awe]. Now if that isn't kudos to you, I don't know what is.

Grotesque and Hilarious Underwood and Flinch Images

  A while ago I used the A.I. art generator, DALL-E, to create some images of Underwood and Flinch. The results were … er … not good, and ca...