Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Thing on the Doorstep 02

Just released into my public feed - H.P. Lovecraft's, The Thing on the Doorstep Part 2. Also features a news bulletin that gives the thrilling(!?!) details of my move back to Ireland. Hot dog!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

We Have Moved.

Moving update! We have successfully moved house / country and are now residing in South Wexford, Ireland. The move was pretty frantic; after months of waiting, the deal went through and we had just a week to get packed up and out. On the day, two small trucks came took all our stuff, and then we had to jump on a train and whizz up to Gatwick Airport and fly over to Dublin that same night in order to meet the trucks down in Wexford the next morning. We spent the night in a hotel and met the trucks at a petrol station at 9:00, and from there we led them through the labyrinth of country lanes to Pauline’s dad’s house where we offloaded everything. Only one breakage: a Parsec award snapped at the stem (but it’s fixable). That’s pretty good going, considering all the glass and furniture that made it intact - even our houseplant made it in one piece!

Last Train to Gatwick

Next we moved ourselves and our basic necessities into Pauline’s sister’s house not far away. We stayed there for a week while we looked for a place of our own to rent, while at the same time viewing houses that we might like to buy. We found both within the week. We moved in to our rental last Monday, and we went sale agreed on our house purchase a few days later. So then we had to sort out bank accounts and all that sort of thing, and also to start ferrying our boxes from Pauline’s dad’s house to our new rental. Writing and podcasting kit were at the top of my list, along with clothes, board games and ventriloquist puppets. 

This last week has been spent trying to find a car. We found one today and, due to our lack of insurance at the time, the salesman was good enough to drive us home in it. We’ve since got insurance, so we’re now totally mobile (mini fist pump!)

Saint Helen's Bay, Wexford.

So that’s where we are now: pretty much sorted out. We went for a walk on Monday at St Helen's Bay (above). Our wellies filled with lingering tide and we had to scramble up the cliff to dry land, which was good huffing and puffing exercise. Pauline’s seen a job she fancies and has started the process, and I’m now set up and back to writing every day. Oh, and last but not least, if you listened to the PatreonCast of the last episode of The Thing on the Doorstep, you’ll have heard me mention the guy from our Internet supplier told us we’d spent half our monthly allowance in two days. Good news is, he misinformed us, or we misunderstood him, or a bit of both. It turns out that as it happens, we’ve used very little - which is a great relief because we were at a loss to understand how we could have used 10g in two days by just checking email and whatnot. Anyway, that’s all the news I have for now. Basically, it's all good. Huzzah!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

Underground - Episode 6

Underwood and Flinch: Underground. Episode 6 now available at Patreon for supporters at $3 per month and over. 

It's also my penultimate day in the UK. We're currently packing the last boxes and getting ready for the big move to Ireland tomorrow. I'm worried we may not have enough cardboard boxes. Where does all the clutter come from? (Answer: charity shops). We went for a last early morning walk. It was foggy, which was nice. Here's a picture of P enjoying it the mistiness.

And don't forget, it's day 3 of the 5-day Halloween book freebie at the Amazon Kindle store. If you haven't got your copies yet, get 'em now!

Underwood and Flinch Volume One: Resurrection

and The Complete Hall of Mirrors: Tales of Horror and The Grotesque.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sometimes Halloween Special!

Happy Halloween!! Wrap your ears around my Sometimes Halloween Special, which features episode One of H.P. Lovecraft's The Thing on the Doorstep.  

Also, news of the Halloween Free ebook of the month promotion that I mentioned in my last post, but I'll share the links again because I know messing about between posts with phones is fiddly stuff.

Underwood and Flinch Volume One: Resurrection

and The Complete Hall of Mirrors: Tales of Horror and The Grotesque.

The promotion starts at midnight tonight (PST) (which is 3:00 am EST, and 07:00 am UK  Saturday morning) and runs till midnight on Wednesday. 

All I ask in return is that you leave some stars on the books' pages, and perhaps a few kind words, if you have time.

Have a great Halloween!!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween! 2x Free Ebooks!!

Happy Halloween!

To celebrate this year, I'm giving away two free ebooks.

Underwood and Flinch Volume One: Resurrection

and The Complete Hall of Mirrors: Tales of Horror and The Grotesque.

The promotion starts at midnight tonight (PST) (which is 3:00 am EST, and 07:00 am UK  Saturday morning) and runs till midnight on Wednesday. 

All I ask in return is that you leave some stars on the books' pages, and perhaps a few kind words, if you have time.

Have a great Halloween!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

After the Plague - Ebook on Kindle

Hot news from my camp today is that my zombie apocalypse story, After the Plague, is now available to buy as an ebook from the Amazon Kindle store. An audiobook version will follow on Audible later in the year (and of course, you can get the podcast episodes by signing up to my Patreon campaign for $3 a month). 
Groovy undead cover art by Jon Cape

Here's the blurb:

A hotel on the outskirts of London in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. A brutal couple, Lee and Mandy, arrive in a van with two captive women held as sex slaves. Lee and Mandy think the hotel is abandoned, a place to find food and shelter. However, Terry, a former employee who has made the hotel his own, has other ideas. 

Tempted? Get it now while the flesh is fresh! 

Amazon USA 

Amazon UK

Amazon Canada

Amazon Australia

Amazon Germany

Grotesque and Hilarious Underwood and Flinch Images

  A while ago I used the A.I. art generator, DALL-E, to create some images of Underwood and Flinch. The results were … er … not good, and ca...