Thursday, January 31, 2013


I was on holiday last week in Fueteventura. It was lovely to get some sunshine in the middle of winter. I took a little laptop with me, not really expecting to get a lot done - but I had a sudden and unexpected surge of creativity (maybe it was the sunshine charging up my winter-depleted batteries).

Anyway, I got about 10,000 words done on the U&F sequel. It's called Underwood and Flinch: Blood and Smoke. The title comes from a comment made by one of the new characters to Underwood. He knows something of vampires (unlike our hero) and he tells him: "You are man and beast; blood and smoke."

So far, all the action is in the Caribbean in the early 18th Century, the story picks up from where Underwood's origin tale left off in U&F 1. Here's a picture of me in our hotel room, hard at work (sort of).

Anyway, back home now, back to teaching English, and back also to chipping away at the U&F 1 edit. I've finished the audio-text matching and editing, and my wife is now proof-reading the text for gaffes (of which I'm sure there will be more than a few). I'll keep you posted on how it's going.

In other news, One Among the Sleepless, the original podcast, is now back online after a month of silence. You can now find it From here you can download it in individual episodes, or get the lot in one big zip bundle and drop them straight into your MP3 player.
Here's the link:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Diet Update

... or should I say, "constipation update"? The problem with not eating enough carbs is that you're not eating enough dietary fibre. I thought I was eating enough, and I was drinking ample water, and taking the psyllium husks as ordered. Alas, however, my weight-loss has slowed down and I've started gaining, or rather, retaining, weight. Ahem.

Needless to say, I'm stopping the low-carb / high protein diet now (I've lost as much weight as I need in order to get back into my trousers ;-) And first thing tomorrow morning, I'll be tucking in to a large bowl of All-Bran. Huzzah!!

Help me, Bill!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Trolls and Other Stories - Free on Amazon for 3 days

Huzzah! I've enrolled Trolls and Other Stories (Hall of Mirrors Volume 3) as an Amazon freebie! Great news if you got a Kindle or Kindle Fire or even a computer tablet or smartphone for Christmas, because now you stick one of my books on it for free!!

I was looking at my sales stats, and there's a definite buying trend for Hair and Skin and Other Stories (Hall of Mirrors Volume 1). The only difference between that book and the other story volumes is the many, many wonderful reviews that you good people have left on that book's page. It got a lot of those reviews by being a freebie a month ago, and so I had an impulse to do the same again - and before I knew it, I'd done it! I'd made Trolls and Other Stories a freebie too! Why? Well besides wanting to get my work onto your Kindles and tablet reader devices, I'd also be very grateful if you could leave 5 stars and a few words of recommendation for the book on its page. Reviews don't have to be long and wordy, just a paragraph saying it's a good read and that you enjoyed it (which you can say with integrity - I hope - because you've enjoyed the podcast ... I hope)

Now, obviously the leaving of reviews and stars are actions totally at your discretion, I can only ask, and you can, of course, completely ignore me. Free is free, no strings attached. But, as I say, I'd be grateful if you could, because hey, it's good Karma, man ;-)

Now go and grab your free book from one of these Amazon stores!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Diet Shocker

More on the Atkins Diet post I made the other day. I've been on it for about three days now, and I'm damned if I'm not losing weight! I can't believe it. My football has gone, and I can tie my shoelaces with ease! Remarkable.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Went for a walk in the (very muddy) country the other day. My wife took a picture of me. All I could see in it was a conspicuous roundness under my sweater. Since I'm not pregnant and I wasn't trying to conceal a football, I have to conclude that I'm overweight.

I've tried numerous faddy diets over the (new) years, but I've never tried the Atkins. So from yesterday, I began the Atkins diet. No carbs. No sugar. No alcohol. Easy, I thought, I can do that. So I was quite surprised to find myself watching TV last night and CRAVING fried potatoes. I resisted.

This morning I woke up with a very fuzzy head and the slenderest grip on my own train of thought. I CRAVED Marmite on toast. I resisted. Most of the day has been fuzzy; I've been vaguely present in the here and now. I looked up the problem online, and apparently it's carb withdrawal. Who would have thought such a thing existed? It usually passes in a day or so, so I'm hoping I'll be fine tomorrow.

I'll do it for a fortnight. By then, hopefully the football would have dropped from beneath my sweater ... and I go back to having multiple servings of toast, slowly building up a new football in time for January 2014. Maybe I'll try the South Beach Diet next time.

For anyone who wants to join me in my fuzzy-headed haze, here's a list of diets with their pros and cons according to the National Health Service (UK).

Friday, December 21, 2012

Underwood and Flinch, the novel: progress

So, how's it coming along?

Recent months have had the focus of getting not only U&F edited, but also the Hall of Mirrors stories edited and made available for the fundraiser reward perks. There's also been work on U&F 2, which is coming along slowly when I get time. Obviously there's other stuff going on in my life too. My father is very unwell at the moment and I've been away from my desk at times to help out with family matters.

But the final novel is coming on gradually.

For U&F (1) I've been mostly matching the audio of the podcast to the original manuscript of the written novel. The reason for this is, when reading / performing the text, I often deviated wildly from the manuscript. As I read my dialogue, I often ad-lib changes, because when you inhabit a character and perform him, you become him; his words come from not from the pen of the writer, but from the heart of the character himself. I also wrote many revisions to the narrative, and because I was writing "for podcast" and not for publication, a lot of these revisions were on scraps of paper, in notebooks or just random docs or txt pages on the computer. Once the podcast recording stage was done, I became so focused on editing the audio (and again, making re-writes and multiple re-takes of the audio) most of the changes to the original text simply got mislaid or inadvertently deleted. At one stage I had a file on my computer that was so big with all the .wav files in it, I had to junk it just so as I could get the computer to run smoothly again. In doing so, I unwittingly threw out the entire text of the episode I'd just finished (not so much a face-palm moment as a head-wall-repeatedly moment). So I then had to wholly transcribe the text from the audio back onto paper. Arg!

So, as I say, much of what I'm doing now is audio-text matching, but I'm also re-writing and editing too. Cutting, re-writing, re-punctuating (with the audio manuscripts, I use a lot of semicolons as signals to myself to pause in the delivery, but to the reader, these curly-dot fests look like ant ant farm exploded over the page, so I'm removing a lot of those). But there are also re-inclusions. Some bits of the original text were cut from the audio version. On revising the work, I find that, having written these scenes, I'd always taken them for granted as facts of the U&F world, I remember them as facts and think you know them too, but of course, you don't. So on learning I'd cut them, I'm now jiggling things around so I can put them back in again.

So far, about 85% of the novel has been audio-matched and re-edited. When this process finishes, my wife will read my revised version and flag all the mistakes and typos in it, and let me know if all this editing has made it tighter, or less so. I'll re-write accordingly, making the necessary changes and getting to what will hopefully be a first final draft. Then I'll seek volunteer test readers to read through it for mistakes and typos that we've missed (always happens, just always, you can never see all the mistakes, you get text-blindness). And then, when that's all done. I'll set about getting the Amazon Createspace people to help turn it into a book - or books, yes, it may end up being two volumes, not just one (and if you're one of the U&F fundraisers expecting a copy of the novel, don't worry, if it becomes two volumes, you'll get both).

And then, once the fundraisers have got their copies, it'll be released to world.

And then, I'll be able to turn all my attention to U&F 2. And this time, I'll write it not as a podcast, but as a novel. No microphones, no .wav files, no podcast, just text. When that's done, we'll see about an audio version. I'm sure there'll be changes to the text as a result of the audio recordings, but now I know from experience how to handle them. I hope. (Head-wall-repeatedly).

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Quiz

Think you know about Christmas?

Back in 2010, for the Christmas Sometimes podcast, I pitted certain cast members from Underwood and Flinch against cast members of One Among the Sleepless. They fought it out fiercely, answering - or trying to answer - questions about Christmas facts old and new (if the Eighties can be called "new"). Test your festive wits today, and play Quiztimes Christmas Special!

Grab your copy of One Among the Sleepless from one of these online stores:

Grotesque and Hilarious Underwood and Flinch Images

  A while ago I used the A.I. art generator, DALL-E, to create some images of Underwood and Flinch. The results were … er … not good, and ca...